Episode 16

Published on:

15th May 2023

Work-Life Balance - Margarette Dorchester

Work-Life Balance – Margarette Dorchester

If you have a family, I can guarantee that everything is competing for your time and trying to take you away from your family!  Think about it. Work, social commitments. Sports. You name it and it is competing for one asset you cannot create more of: TIME.

There are only 24 hours in one day. Period. You cannot create an extra three hours to add to your day. The only thing you can do is prioritize your time to “carve out” that extra three hours from your already demanding schedule.

If you are running your own business (and especially if you have employees), your time devoted to your business is even more important. Unfortunately, that is what happens. You end up prioritizing your time devoted to your business rather than family – or even yourself! 

Yes, you must prioritize time for your own self-care. Physical exercise, rest and relaxation. I know I have hard time doing that myself. So I’m here to learn today as well as you.

Our guest today is Margarette Dorchester. She has a Master’s Degree in Business and is a Certified Management Consultant and leadership coach as well. She helps individuals and business leaders to rebalance their work and personal lives to benefit themselves and their families, all while keeping their businesses running smoothly. 

How do we do that? Well, we are about to find out! Praise God!

Help me welcome to the program, Margarette Dorchester! Margarette, it is so good to finally talk with you. We’ve had a few detours on our efforts to have this conversation, but Praise God, here we are!

First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief in formation I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Margarette Dorchester?”

How did you get started in this line of work?

I read on your website some testimonials that talk about you helping them with the “Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award.” Can you explain what this is and how you help them to compete for the award?

What kind of business usually reaches out to you? By that I mean, small businesses or corporations and organizations that are large, small or in between?

When you first walk into a business in this capacity, as a consultant, what is it you usually want to see first?

Do you do most of your consulting work “on the ground” at the physical location of the business, online or a combination of both?

What kind of packages do you offer or are these tailored to the individual and business?

Margarette, this has been so interesting. If someone wanted to reach out and ask a question or wanted more information on your consulting services, how can they do that? How can they reach out to you?

I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes down below.

Folks, as we said in the beginning, there are only so many hours in each and every day. How you use them is what matters. But you cannot be focused all on work with no self-care or family time included. You would just burn out and be of no use to anyone, including yourself.

I believe the information Margarette Dorchester shared with us today touched someone. I just believe that. I encourage you, drop down into the show notes and reach out to Margarette! Ask your questions. See if this is what you need to get your personal and business life back into balance again. I can almost guarantee you, that when you are able to do this, your business will improve because YOU are improved! Amen! You’re not under the constant stress anymore.

That will also reflect in your personal and family life as well…

In other words, by getting in touch with Margarette Dorchester right now, you will become better for it! Amen!

Drop down into the show notes and reach out and take her up on the free consulting call. Who knows, this may be exactly what you need. But you won’t know until you make the call. Amen!


Email:   margaret@mdorchester.com

Website:   https://margaretdorchester.coach

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About the Podcast

Faith Based Business Podcast
Helping Businesses to Grow with "Information, Inspiration and Motivation" and Interviews
Helping Faith Based Business Owners to "Get the Word Out" about their services.

About your host

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Robert Thibodeau

Bob Thibodeau started podcasting in 2009. Within six months, he was approached with an offer to be on nationwide AM Christian radio (which he accepted - broadcasting into four major markets for a year)!

He founded and launched "Evangelism Radio" on October 2010. Starting with one broadcaster (himself) and one listener (himself), Evangelism Radio grew to be rated #1 in the world in the "Christian Talk Genre" by Shoutcast. com within 2 years time!

Now with listeners in over 160 nations and all 50 states and supporting almost 50 ministries sharing the Gospel around the world, he still manages "Evangelism Radio" on a daily basis.

Bob started "The Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast" in January 2018. In the four years (through 2022), he has interviewed almost 900 individuals and has published over 1200 episodes, achieving over 164K downloads!

He launched the "Revelation Warning" Podcast in August of 2022 and has already achieved over 16K downloads in the first five months!

Bob has established many contacts in the Christian podcasting niche. He has interviewed author, recording artists, athletes, business owners, coaches and entrepreneurs who have one thing in common - the Christian Faith!

With this podcast, the "Faith Based Business Podcast," he is going to bring these successful Christian influencers in to simply allow them to bless YOU with tips and ideas on how YOU can achieve success in your endeavors.

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