Episode 110

Published on:

27th Apr 2024

How to PRIME Your Business – Matthew Sanjari

How to PRIME Your Business

Matthew Sanjari

There is no doubt that businesses today are struggling. This economy is wreaking havoc on many small businesses. This necessitates the need to make sure your business not only survives, but thrives. Amen!

But, how best to accomplish that? Especially if you’re already struggling week to week, unable to see the grass from the weeds that are all around you?

Do you feel like you’re just spinning in circles? You are working hard, but it seems like you have very little to show for all the effort?  You’re not alone, folks.

If you are wanting to see growth in your business, but you’re not really sure of where to start? Our guest today will help to guide you down that path to success! Amen!

Matthew Sanjari is the founder of “Prime Consulting.” After suffering a life-altering accident which derailed his prior career, he spent over a decade recovering. He had to overcome chronic pain, depression and a disability in the process. He created “Prime Consulting” in order to form a boutique consulting firm that serves businesses – just like your business – thrive. Amen!

Help me welcome to the program, Matthew Sanjari!  Mathew, it is a blessing to speak with you today and I’m so blessed you took the time to come on the program and share all about your business with us.

First question, other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Matthew Sanjari?”

When did you start this business – and why?  What was the need you identified that was not being fulfilled?

You share that you help folks to see real results from their efforts. Can you explain how you go about doing this with your clients?

For some entrepreneurs, we are so entrenched in the day to day operations, it can be difficult to take a step back and evaluate everything in perspective. How do you recommend a business owner do this effectively?

You share that one way to build a better business is to invest in their people first. Building their people to build their business. Can you explain that for us?

I’m a firm believer in the TEAM training concept. I’ve spoken on it conferences, etc. How do you go about improving how teams interact, learn and, basically, grow together?

How do you help your clients establish challenging, but achievable goals that will grow their business?

Many times, entrepreneurs will be “all in” as far as running the business. Often, this means taking from family time, forgoing vacations and things like that. The thought process is, “If it needs to be done – I need to get it done.” How can you help your clients overcome this syndrome?

Mathew, this has been so interesting and informative. If someone has a question or they would like to reach out to you for more information, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?

I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.

Folks, if you own or run a business, it is so important for you to have clarity. Clarity on who you are, why your business exists and why you need a strategy to grow your business. You need to look at this from a place of your clients “wants” – not just their needs.

Matthew Sanjari will work with you to evaluate, plan, develop and then execute and implement these things to actually take your business to the next level. He does this in a unique way that will truly resonate with your clients, your employees and, more importantly, your bottom line! Amen!

Drop down into the show notes and reach out to Matthey Sanjari right now, while you are thinking about this. Just get in touch and set up a no obligation call. It may be the most important call you can make this year! Amen!


Email:   msanjari@goprime.ca

Website:   https://www.consultingbyprime.com/

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About the Podcast

Faith Based Business Podcast
Helping Businesses to Grow with "Information, Inspiration and Motivation" and Interviews
Helping Faith Based Business Owners to "Get the Word Out" about their services.

About your host

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Robert Thibodeau

Bob Thibodeau started podcasting in 2009. Within six months, he was approached with an offer to be on nationwide AM Christian radio (which he accepted - broadcasting into four major markets for a year)!

He founded and launched "Evangelism Radio" on October 2010. Starting with one broadcaster (himself) and one listener (himself), Evangelism Radio grew to be rated #1 in the world in the "Christian Talk Genre" by Shoutcast. com within 2 years time!

Now with listeners in over 160 nations and all 50 states and supporting almost 50 ministries sharing the Gospel around the world, he still manages "Evangelism Radio" on a daily basis.

Bob started "The Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast" in January 2018. In the four years (through 2022), he has interviewed almost 900 individuals and has published over 1200 episodes, achieving over 164K downloads!

He launched the "Revelation Warning" Podcast in August of 2022 and has already achieved over 16K downloads in the first five months!

Bob has established many contacts in the Christian podcasting niche. He has interviewed author, recording artists, athletes, business owners, coaches and entrepreneurs who have one thing in common - the Christian Faith!

With this podcast, the "Faith Based Business Podcast," he is going to bring these successful Christian influencers in to simply allow them to bless YOU with tips and ideas on how YOU can achieve success in your endeavors.

Be sure to "SUBSCRIBE" to this podcast so you will be notified when a new episode is  published!