Episode 34

Published on:

27th Nov 2023

Family Foundation for Your Future – Kirk Hortel

Family Foundation for Your Future

Kirk Hortel

Life insurance. For a lot of people, that is the last thing they want to discuss. It brings their eventual mortality directly to the forefront during the discussion. Your eternal salvation, if you are a believer, is guaranteed. That’s a great start.

But, what about those you leave behind. Wouldn’t be great if you can have a guarantee for them, here in the rotten here and now, as they go through probably one of the worst few days of their life?

What about if you are blessed enough to stick around awhile? Wouldn’t it be great to benefit financially in that regards as well? Of course!

Well, that is where our guest today comes in. 

Kirk Hortel has a ministry called “CharityOne” and he helps families to create their own “Family Foundation” to help in estate planning, reducing taxes and help them to support charities of their choice, including increasing their giving to local churches. Amen!

Help me welcome to the program, Kirk Hortel…

Kirk, I appreciate you coming on the program today and discussing these very important topics for our listening audience!

The first question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Kirk Hortel?”

From what I understand, there was a book, I believe it was called, “Become Your Own Banker,” that was a big influence in your life. Can you explain why and how that book influenced you?

You focus on heritage as well as inheritance. What is the difference between the two?

There are other benefits of life insurance than just death benefits. Your ministry, CharityOne.com, helps families to create a family foundation. Can you explain what a family foundation is and why that is important?

How do you help families to create their own family foundation?

So this is a way business owners can help to establish their legacy as well?

When someone reaches out through your website, CharityOne.com, what will they discover?

How long does it take to set up your 501-c-3? How difficult is it?

We’ve been talking a lot about life insurance, business and finances – but in the end, it is all about leaving something behind for a person’s family after the main bread winner is gone to Heaven. It’s not something many people want to focus on – but it is a needful conversation.

Kirk, this has been so interesting. If someone wanted to ask a question, receive more information or possibly have you on an interview such as this – how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?

I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.

Folks, Kirk Hortel has tapped into something here that every single family needs to be informed about. Other than our Eternal Salvation, financial planning and planning for our the eventual loss of that is going to occur when we pass on to Heaven is vital. You may not like to think about that. It’s a difficult concept to dwell on – but if you take the time NOW to deal with that issue – it will be a blessing to your loved ones once that event does take place.

Yes – we pray that event is a long way off. But, bottom line – it WILL HAPPEN. It is guaranteed to happen. 

When it does, we pray that your next destination is blessed beyond description. But your loved ones are still going to be in the rotten here and now.  What better gift can you give than to make sure they are taken care of when that event happens. Amen!

I urge you to drop down into the show notes and reach out to Kirk Hortel right now. Ask your questions. Receive some insight and information that will benefit you now… in your future – and in your loved ones future as well.

Get in touch and see what Kirk can do for you. The worst that can happen is you find out you’re on the right path right now. Maybe just a tweak here and there and your good. That’s the worst!

Drop the down into the show notes and get in touch with Kirk right now.

Kirk, I want to thank you for taking the time to come on the program today. The information you shared is priceless and I do appreciate your time.


Email:   kirkbw@pm.me

Website:   https://www.charityone.com/

Mentioned in this episode:

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Take your business to the next level and check out FaithCaster Academy! Helping Christian entrepreneurs to reach a wider audience, grow their business and increase their revenue - all while serving the Lord in their God-given calling! Amen! FaithCasterAcademy.com

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About the Podcast

Faith Based Business Podcast
Helping Businesses to Grow with "Information, Inspiration and Motivation" and Interviews
Helping Faith Based Business Owners to "Get the Word Out" about their services.

About your host

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Robert Thibodeau

Bob Thibodeau started podcasting in 2009. Within six months, he was approached with an offer to be on nationwide AM Christian radio (which he accepted - broadcasting into four major markets for a year)!

He founded and launched "Evangelism Radio" on October 2010. Starting with one broadcaster (himself) and one listener (himself), Evangelism Radio grew to be rated #1 in the world in the "Christian Talk Genre" by Shoutcast. com within 2 years time!

Now with listeners in over 160 nations and all 50 states and supporting almost 50 ministries sharing the Gospel around the world, he still manages "Evangelism Radio" on a daily basis.

Bob started "The Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast" in January 2018. In the four years (through 2022), he has interviewed almost 900 individuals and has published over 1200 episodes, achieving over 164K downloads!

He launched the "Revelation Warning" Podcast in August of 2022 and has already achieved over 16K downloads in the first five months!

Bob has established many contacts in the Christian podcasting niche. He has interviewed author, recording artists, athletes, business owners, coaches and entrepreneurs who have one thing in common - the Christian Faith!

With this podcast, the "Faith Based Business Podcast," he is going to bring these successful Christian influencers in to simply allow them to bless YOU with tips and ideas on how YOU can achieve success in your endeavors.

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