Episode 28

Published on:

11th Oct 2023

Against the Odds - Anthony Razzano

AGAINST THE ODDS – Anthony Razzano

Imagine this…your family has a linage of football greatness. As a young, 12 year old boy, you know this is in your blood too.  Your family, your coaches – everyone, is telling you to “never give up” on your dreams.

Very often, we allow things to hold us back. We get angry things did not turn out the way we pictured or planned. We end up accepting these limiting beliefs as “the truth” of who we are.  But, in reality, it’s not the setbacks that define us. It’s how we respond to the setbacks. It’s how WE DECIDE HOW WE RESPOND – that’s what truly determines the outcome.

The Bible says, in Proverbs 24 that “A righteous man may fall seven times and rise again.”  I like to say, “If you fall seven times, then get up eight!” Amen!

Our guest today knows all too well how your attitude will determine your altitude…

At the age of 12, Anthony Razzano followed the script of many young boys. He wanted to play football. It was in his family DNA. Amen!  But, on the evening of October 31, 1987 as he was preparing to play in an important Pop Warner football game under the lights at the historic Taggart Stadium, things changed in one instant of time.

With the flick of one match in his family's garage, a catastrophic incident forced Anthony out a side door, engulfed in a ball of flames. Neighbors acted quickly to extinguish the fire and summon paramedics, who rushed him to a nearby hospital. 

He was then airlifted was transported by helicopter to one of the top Burn Trauma Centers in the country, the West Penn Burn Unit in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 

While the medical staff worked to save his life the doctors explained the seriousness of the situation to his family. His family was told to make funeral arrangements. The doctors said, they would do everything in their power to save his life, but did not give any hope for him to survive. Zero percent. They said he probably would not live through the night.

But God had a different plan. Amen! After battling multiple bouts of sepsis and receiving over 134 blood transfusions - and being given his last rights three times, he survived! Amen! Anthony was released from the hospital on January 14, 1988. When Anthony walked out of West Penn, he didn’t walk alone. 

With his family by his side and halls lined with patients, medical staff and members of the media applauding, he beat the odds. But surviving wasn’t the end of the journey. 

He now had to face the painful recovery, the intense physical therapy, and every other obstacle in his way to live a meaningful life. Although he lost the fingers on his left hand and suffered scarring all over his body, he continued to fight back and ultimately resumed playing football for the New Castle Red Hurricanes. 

In fact, again defying the odds, Anthony was a two year letterman on the varsity football team, and starting outside linebacker his senior year. Amen!

Anthony knows his survival was a blessing from God. He believes he was blessed with this miraculous recovery for the purpose of inspiring others to keep fighting when they are hardest hit and the odds are stacked against them. Against YOU. No matter what it is! Amen!

Anthony is now a Certified Public Accountant. He is an NFL agent – so he is still involved with football, amen!  And his has just released an absolutely fabulous book titled, “Against All Odds: A Story of Faith, Courage and Perseverance.”

Help me welcome to the program, Anthony Razzano!  Anthony, it is a blessing to have you join us today, brother! I do appreciate it!

First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Anthony Razzano?”

Take us back to the day in the garage. What was happening and what do you remember?

I understand that your family was told you had zero chance of recovery and was told to start planning your funeral. But God had other plans.  You made it through the first night. Then the second, etc.  I also read they had to keep you in an induced coma, because of a fever and infection? Is that right?

At what point did the doctors begin to think you may just make it?  

Let’s talk about your book, “Against All Odds: A Story of Faith, Courage and Perseverance.”  Why did you write this book and why publish it at this time?

In your book, you explain how surviving the initial incident was one thing… but the recovery processes was something else. Can you share a little bit about what it was like once you were over the first hurdle of survival and moving on to the follow on procedures?

Did you know the Lord during this time in your life?

In your recovery process, were there times when you wanted to just give up?  How did your Faith get you through those challenging times? 

Share with us about the day you finally took the football field for your first game since the accident. What was that like?

You went on to have a great college career. You achieved graduation. You have your own business. You are still involved with football, not only serving as a coach for youth football, but as a Certified NFL Contract Advisor. How often do you get to share your testimony with NFL players who may be recovering from injuries and surgeries and they may be feeling discouraged about their future?

We mentioned youth football, youth sports. I can only imagine the inspiration you provide these young folks when they hear your story and telling them to never give up. It’s probably better and more meaningful to them than the Knute Rockne speech, right?

This book will definitely serve as a source of hope for those who may be enduring their own challenges in life. 

Your book is on pre-order at the time of this recording. When do you anticipate it will be published?

You also are a motivational speaker. I’m sure your story is an inspiration to your audiences. I’m sure there is an event planner out there listening to us right now. What type of events would you be interested in speaking at?

Anthony, this has all been so interesting. It’s important to note that your experience is truly a testimony to the fact that “It ain’t over until God says it’s over.” No matter what others may be saying – it is God that is still in control. Your story, your testimony, is a real life example that, when the devil takes his best shot – God always has the final say. Amen!

If someone wanted to get in touch with you, to ask a question or perhaps invite you to come and speak at an event – or possibly to do an interview such as this… how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?

And your book, “Against All Odds: A Story of Faith, Courage and Perseverance.”  How can someone obtain a copy – or preorder your book? Is it on Amazon or going to be on Amazon?

I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.

Folks, Anthony Razzano’s testimony should be an inspiration to each and every person listening to the sound our voices today. Imagine, being told you would not live through the night. But you do. But you told it again the next night. And the next. All of that negativity. All of the pain. Being given last rights on three separate occasions. Think about what that would be like for a twelve year old.

All I have to say is – “BUT GOD!” Amen!

Drop down into the show notes right now and order or preorder your very own copy of a truly remarkable book, “Against All Odds: A Story of Faith, Courage and Perseverance.”  This is one book that will inspire you to defeat the odds and defeat the devil – regardless of what your present circumstances are. Amen!

Be sure to reach out to Anthony Razzano and invite him to your church, your event, whatever… this is one speaker that will resonate with every single member of your audience. Amen!

Drop down into the show notes and click the links right there – right now! Don’t let the devil talk YOU out of your blessing. The devil tried to take Anthony out of the game for the exact reason he is here today – to inspire YOU not to give up! Don’t let the devil win!  Get in touch with Anthony and allow Anthony to inspire YOU, no matter what is happening in your life right now. Amen!

Anthony, thank you so much for coming on the program today. I do appreciate it so much!

Folks, that is all the time we have for today. For Anthony Razzano and myself, this is Pastor Bob reminding you to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!


Email:   info@AnthonyRazzano.com

Email for Razzano Consulting:  katie@razzanoconsulting.com

Email for Speaking Engagements:  info@AnthonyRazzano.com

Website:   https://www.anthonyrazzano.com/

Book:  “Against All Odds: A Story of Faith, Courage and Perseverance.”  - on Amazon

Mentioned in this episode:

FaithCaster Academy

Take your business to the next level and check out FaithCaster Academy! Helping Christian entrepreneurs to reach a wider audience, grow their business and increase their revenue - all while serving the Lord in their God-given calling! Amen! FaithCasterAcademy.com

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About the Podcast

Faith Based Business Podcast
Helping Businesses to Grow with "Information, Inspiration and Motivation" and Interviews
Helping Faith Based Business Owners to "Get the Word Out" about their services.

About your host

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Robert Thibodeau

Bob Thibodeau started podcasting in 2009. Within six months, he was approached with an offer to be on nationwide AM Christian radio (which he accepted - broadcasting into four major markets for a year)!

He founded and launched "Evangelism Radio" on October 2010. Starting with one broadcaster (himself) and one listener (himself), Evangelism Radio grew to be rated #1 in the world in the "Christian Talk Genre" by Shoutcast. com within 2 years time!

Now with listeners in over 160 nations and all 50 states and supporting almost 50 ministries sharing the Gospel around the world, he still manages "Evangelism Radio" on a daily basis.

Bob started "The Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast" in January 2018. In the four years (through 2022), he has interviewed almost 900 individuals and has published over 1200 episodes, achieving over 164K downloads!

He launched the "Revelation Warning" Podcast in August of 2022 and has already achieved over 16K downloads in the first five months!

Bob has established many contacts in the Christian podcasting niche. He has interviewed author, recording artists, athletes, business owners, coaches and entrepreneurs who have one thing in common - the Christian Faith!

With this podcast, the "Faith Based Business Podcast," he is going to bring these successful Christian influencers in to simply allow them to bless YOU with tips and ideas on how YOU can achieve success in your endeavors.

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